Highlighted Testimonials.

Here are some of my most beloved testimonials
throughout the years.

Michael Connelly, New York Times best-selling author of crime fiction

“I dare you to stop reading a John Glionna story. I know I couldn’t. Every time I hop on board a Glionna story I know I am in for a smart, informative and highly entertaining ride. It’s impossible not to take the journey to the end. His work is a real treat!”

Mark T. Sullivan, bestselling author of “Beneath a Scarlet Sky”

“John Michael Glionna may well be the best non-fiction writer in America. His eye for the off-beat and unique coupled with an innate musical ear for language makes Glionna’s writing instantly recognizable and infused with the promise of strange revelation and adventure. I defy anyone to start one of his meticulously-researched stories and not race to the finish. The man is that good.”

Richard Fausset, New York Times Atlanta Bureau Chief

“Sometimes John Glionna takes you to places you’ve never been. Sometimes he’s in places you know well, mining them for illuminating details you never noticed. His deep reporting and lucid explanatory writing evokes the McPhee school, but he tends to sprinkle his meat and potatoes with a kind of cosmic Flamin’ Hot Cheeto dust from the crinkled bag of his subconscious. Enjoy the burn. And wash hands thoroughly after contact.”

Diana Marcum, author of “the Tenth Island,” Los Angeles Times journalist and Pulitzer Prize winner

“My Dad always said ‘Angels can fly because they take themselves lightly.’ I would never call Glionna angelic. But he’s never written a story without a laugh or a wink that allows it to soar. There’s always the magic combination of sweet and salty. Laughs and tears.”

Dave Wolthoff, Hollywood filmmaker, producer of movie “Concussion”

“With his convincing ability to portray one quirky character after the next, I like to think of John Glionna as the Johnny Depp of Journalism — only without the IRS issues.”

Kari Howard, former editor at the Los Angeles Times

“Some writers have a gift for finding a story. Others have a gift for writing it. John Glionna has both. He’s like a duck gliding serenely on the water; he may be furiously underneath the surface, but he makes it look easy.”

To view my full catalog of testimonials, click below.