Gloria Asselta’s Legacy of Giving
For decades, Gloria Asselta was a generous patron of the southern Italian town where both her parents were born. Now she’s gone and Pomarico weeps.

Leaving My Adopted Southern Italian Village
I came to southern Italy to find stories about y grandfather but in turn I learned so much about myself.

My Mother’s Wigs
My mother loved her wigs. When she died, we tried to find them a good home.

The Poetry of Mothers
When our mothers are gone, a bit of everyday poetry leaves our lives

Boozing with Old Fat and the Boys
Drinking with these the roughhewn men has been a critical rite of social passage here in China’s capital city. It took a few shots to earn their trust.

The First Beauty in the Village
Now that my own parents are both gone, my Chinese mother-in-law watches over me with a love that crosses cultural boundaries

A Great Wall That Defines China
The Great Wall has both protected and inspired this ancient land.
Walking its contours still baffles the mind.

Memories of Those Misadventures in the Middle Kingdom
In a land as timeless as China, I have nonetheless seen subtle changes over my three decades sojourning there.

A Big Decision in Flyover Country
It might seem like a small decision, but not to the people in McDermitt, Nev.

Street Corner Hustle: An Author Hawks His Own Books
Publishing a book is the ultimate high. But, after the pride of release day, it has come to this: I’m a veteran journalist-turned shameless street-corner book hawker.

POMARICO JOURNAL: An Italian Crocodile Dundee in America
POMARICO, Italy — My cousin, Giovanni, retells the story often, like an aging athlete savoring a precious victory of his youth.

POMARICO JOURNAL: The Wonder Sons of a most wondrous game
POMARICO, Italy — On many evenings, after the heat of another summer day has finally waned, I stroll down to the center of town and watch my two young cousins play soccer.